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  AM 002 Girafflåtar för småfolk  

A CD for children that amuses the hole family! You get everything from big band with outstanding brass to solo guitar or accordion in combination with harpsichord. The music is very happy and definite sad, all i a perfect mess. You will listen to music made for grown ups but with lyrics written for children. The amazing Agnas Brothers plays on this recording, together with some of their outstanding musical friends - and of course with a crowd of happy (and loudly) singing children.

Kerstin Larsson, FaluKuriren, wrote this:
"It´s music for grown up people with lyrics for children. It is very sad and very funny in a perfect mix. If you cut out the lyrics you would never believe that this is a record for children."

Nominated for Swedish Grammy 1999!
©Agnas Musikproduktioner AB 2009